2009 Event Directors

2010 Organizational Chart

Richard Parke is the Event Director for the 2010 Easter Passion Play. He earned his Bachelor of Business Administration degree from Andrews University in 2005 and is currently employed in Buchanan, Michigan as an IT Administrator. 

In his spare time, Richard enjoys working with Andrews University Campus Ministries as the station manager for CMRadio, a Contemporary Christian music Internet radio station.  Richard enjoys event planning and has been part of the Andrews University Easter Passion Play since it began in 2003.

Richard is looking forward to another year of the excitment that telling the story of Christ brings!


Tori Steely is the Assistant Event Director for the 2010 Easter Passion Play.

After graduating from Andrews University with a degree in Biology in 2008, Tori  then entered the Masters program.  She is planning on graduating from the Biology masters program in 2011.   Her emphasis is neurobiology with her research being done on crickets.  This is her second year being involved in Easter Passion Play.   When asked what her favorite part is, Tori answered, "it is the children.  I love seeing the looks on kids faces as they witness what is happening.  It becomes real for them.




Naudline Pierre is the Marketing Director for the 2010 Easter Passion Play. 

She is currently a student at Andrews University, studying Fine Art and Pre-Med. In her spare time, Naudline can be found drawing or painting. Using her diverse passions, she hopes to one day become a physician and an artist. Naudline enjoys working with the Easter Passion Play team and served as the Assistant Marketing Director in 2009. She also enjoys seeing the blessing that the Easter Passion Play can be and what an impact it can have on people’s lives.

Assistant Marketing Director: Sabrina Schmidt



Neola Sivalingam is the Reservation Coordinator for the 2010 Easter Passion Play.

She is currently a pre-physical therapy student with a minor in fitness education at Andrews University. She enjoys playing sports, being active, and spending time with friends and family. Neola says she volunteered in last year's Easter Passion Play.  The experience was so powerful it inspired her to volunteer again this year. Neola knows God will work through all of the volunteers to reach out to His children.





Keren Toms is the Andrews University Staff Advisor for the 2010 Easter Passion Play.  Keren currently is serving as the Chaplain for Outreach for Andrews University Campus Ministries.  She oversees all of the outreach initiatives organized by Campus Ministries, including Easter Passion Play. She holds a degree in Spanish Studies from Andrews University and is also working her way through a Masters in Youth Ministry. She firmly believes that missions and service are the most important things in life.





Dan Agnetta is the Fundraising Director for the 2010 Easter Passion Play.  Dan is curently serving as the Director for Human Resources at Andrews University.  For many years, Dan has been part of our cast as a Pharisee.  In 2007 Dan began helping us raise funds and continues this important role this year.

Donate Online (Secure Page)






Pastor Ron Whitehead is the Executive Producer of the Easter Passion Play.  Ron has served as a local pastor, conference youth, and church ministries director. He also served the NAD as associate youth director and led four International Pathfinder Camporees.

He currently serves Kingdom-building efforts in the following ways: Assistant to the President of Andrews University for Spiritual Life, Executive Director for the Center for Youth Evangelism, Assistant Professor for Youth Ministry, and Lake Union Conference Youth Ministries Director.

Contact Pastor Ron
269-208-1344 (cell) 269-473-1516 (home)